Episode Two, Doug

Episode Two, Following Your Bliss


Preview (Episode Two airing Tuesday, February 26th)



Doug was one of my personal highlights from working at one of the busiest pizza restaurants in Chicago. He would always come in with a big smile and something up his sleeve to break up the daily monotony. My favorite memory is of him cracking jokes into  the paging mic before we opened in his radio DJ voice. It was like he couldn’t have a bad day and could lighten up yours in an instant.

I always knew that I wanted to interview Doug because he was such a positive force. I didn’t know much about his background, just that he moved from San Antonio to Chicago to pursue a career in comedy. Once I finally had the opportunity to sit down with him, I was inspired by his resilience. Any troubles that he’s experienced, he has done so with a sense of humor and love of life. I am so happy to share Doug’s story, Tuesday February 26th (Follow this blog below or Subscribe to my Vimeo Channel)

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